#3: Mick Foley as The Boulder - Avatar: The Last Airbender

In life, two things are certain to happen every year. The first is that WWE will begin the Road to WrestleMania at the Royal Rumble. The second is that Netflix will re-release the cult classic animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender causing the internet to lose its collective mind.
Regarding the latter, die-hard fans argue constantly at what episode is the best and a strong contender in every debate is Season 2 Episode 6: “The Blind Bandit". Fans were introduced to Toph, the blind child earth bender born to a rich family and masquerading as the world champion of an Earth Bending based wrestling promotion. This episode also features a kayfabe rival of Toph named “The Boulder”. It was rumored at the time that Nickelodeon wanted WWE megastar The Rock to play this role. However, this never came to pass.
Instead, the producers cast hardcore legend and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley, who nailed his performance. Adopting a Randy Savage style raspy growl and delivering all of his lines like a 1980s cliche, Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy's portrayal of the character was so well-received that he reappeared at the end of Season 3 in the final ever episode entitled ”Sozin’s Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang”.