#4 Former WWE Champion Daniel Bryan: cashier at McDonald's and KB Toys

WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan revealed in his autobiography that he worked various jobs while he was saving up for wrestling school. Bryan did not have a lot of money growing up, so he had to pay for his own wrestling training.
When he was younger, Bryan worked at places like McDonald's and KB Toys as a cashier. He worked both jobs so he could help his family make more money. Of course, his ultimate goal was to go to wrestling school so he could become a professional wrestler.
Considering Bryan is a vegan who opposes fast food and modern consumerism, he clearly would not enjoy a place like McDonald’s today. As a cashier, he also swept the floors and admittedly lived off a fast-food diet while he worked at McDonald's.
Thanks to his efforts as a cashier at McDonald’s and KB Toys, Bryan managed to fund his wrestling career. Without those jobs, he would have been unable to reach the wrestling heights he enjoys today.