#4 Ultimate Warrior threatened to no-show SummerSlam if Vince didn't pay him $500k

There is a long-standing myth in WWE that Ultimate Warrior "held up" Vince McMahon for $500,000 in cash or he would not compete at SummerSlam in 1991.
In the 2005 WWE released documentary "The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior," Vince McMahon claims Ultimate Warrior informed him on the day of SummerSlam '91 that he would not perform unless McMahon paid him $500,000 in cash.
The story told by McMahon, however, was later debunked by The New York Post, with the publication unearthing letters written by Warrior and McMahon weeks before SummerSlam took place.
In a letter written to Vince McMahon six weeks before SummerSlam '91, Warrior said he was unhappy with his WrestleMania pay that year, and demanded three things at SummerSlam: $550,000 in WrestleMania backpay, guaranteed days off and equal pay to Hulk Hogan for events and merchandise.
In a letter responding to Warrior, McMahon cordially agreed to Warrior's demands, however, immediately after Warrior's match at SummerSlam, McMahon served Warrior with a suspension notice and never gave in to Warrior's demands.