#2 Triple H

Around two decades ago, Triple H established himself as one of the biggest heels in the business. The Game revealed years later that he pitched the idea to turn heel to Vince McMahon, and the WWE Chairman wasn't thrilled with it one bit. Triple H wanted to turn on D-Generation X and approached the boss with the idea.
“I went to Vince, I pitched this. ‘I wanna flip, I wanna turn on the group, I wanna turn heel and I wanna do this’ and they just didn’t get it. It caused a lot of strong conversations to happen with all of us about, you know, ‘God no, don’t do that yet. Not yet, ride this out until it’s done, man. We have so much more legs on this.”
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Eventually, Vince agreed to go ahead with Triple H's pitch. At WWE WrestleMania 15, Triple H and Chyna interfered in the European title match between Shane McMahon and X-Pac and helped the former retain his title belt. Triple H's star only rose from this point on, and he went on to become one of the most successful heels in WWE history.