#2 Edge - 280 days (WWE WrestleMania 21)

WWE Hall of Famer Edge wrote the book on successfully cashing in the Money in the Bank contract.
The Rated R Superstar was the first ever holder of the Money in the Bank briefcase. Edge won the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match by defeating Shelton Benjamin, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Christian and Kane at WrestleMania 21 in 2005.
While the WWE Universe knew that the Money in the Bank briefcase contained a contract for a World Championship match at any point in the following twelve months, not many truly understood the Money in the Bank concept.
This meant that Edge held the Money in the Bank briefcase for an astounding 280 days without any real attempted "cash-ins" of note. However, that all changed at the New Year's Revolution pay-per-view event in January 2006.
After John Cena had successfully defended the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle, Carlito, Chris Masters, Kane and Shawn Michaels in an Elimination Chamber Match, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon suddenly appeared.
McMahon announced that Edge was cashing in his Money in the Bank contract and would be challenging John Cena for the WWE Championship immediately. This led to Edge spearing Cena several times to win the WWE Championship for the first time in his career.