WWE Superstars are known to be some of the fittest individuals in sports entertainment. Wrestling in the ring seven days a week requires an individual to be physically as well as mentally fit.
We’ve seen several WWE Superstars go through incredible physical transformations over the years. Many have benefitted from the change as it has helped them gain new fans, begin new gimmicks, and get to the top of the company.
Men and women like Jinder Mahal, Mickie James, and Drew McIntyre are a few of the top WWE Superstars who benefited from getting in shape and proved to the higher-ups and the WWE Universe that they truly mean business.
On the other hand, several WWE Superstars have also inspired the men and women behind the scenes to undergo a physical transformation and make their lives healthier and better. Superstars are constantly helping each other get better in the ring and behind the scenes, and this has helped the company grow as a whole.
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In this article, we will look at five WWE Superstars who helped their colleagues in getting physically transformed.
#5 Vince McMahon teased former WWE Champion Sheamus to get shredded
Sheamus is known to be one of the hardest workers in WWE and has been considered as one of the fittest guys in the company when he is at the top of his game. The Celtic Warrior takes fitness so seriously that he’s created his own ‘Celtic Warrior Workouts’ YouTube channel that now has over 650,000 subscribers.
Since Sheamus teaches us all a little about what it means to be fit every single day, it’ll come as a surprise to many that he was influenced by someone else in the company to lose some weight and get even more shredded!
Vince McMahon was the man who teased Sheamus enough to get him on the road to getting even fitter, something that has helped him in his current run with the company.
During his appearance on E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness in mid-2019, Sheamus explained that he had previously thought that being bulky (like he was previously) would be the best bet for his career.
"At one stage, I was kind of thinking, “Man, I should bulk up!” Like, I was seeing a lot of guys in there and “How do I get back?” At one time, I was pretty much one of the biggest guys in there, like, not “I’m a giant”-wise, but I was, like, size-wise, bulk-wise, and I was like, “Yeah, I should bulk up again.” And I kind of bulked up. I was seeing, like, Brock [Lesnar] and Braun [Strowman] and all these lads, and I’m thinking, it just got to a point where I didn’t look good, mate. Just like I put on a lot of weight, but I was carrying a lot of body fat and I just kind of lost control of where I was at.
"It also started because I came back from holidays in Ireland and me and Cesaro were walking by Vince and Vince goes, “Hey Sheamus!” I said, “Yeah?” He goes, “Enjoyed the holidays, huh?” and he was looking at me in the gut and I was like, “Okay, that’s it. That’s it. I need to do something about it.” But that was the change in gear and Cesaro will tell you as well. Cesaro knew right away when that comment was made. I just put too much weight on, man."
"I feel so much better. Like, it’s all a myth where you think bigger is better, but it’s not, especially when we’re in the ring. The leaner we are, the bigger you look and the better you look and that [has] definitely been evidenced in the last few months I was in the ring.
While The Celtic Warrior may have believed that putting on those extra pounds would help him come across as a more intimidating WWE Superstar, he realized that losing the extra weight was what was needed to get ahead.
Had it not been for Vince, we may have never seen this new and improved side of Sheamus on WWE SmackDown.
#4 Riddick Moss helped Finn Balor to get in shape following his injury at WWE SummerSlam
No one can deny the fact that Finn Balor is the fittest athlete in WWE today. Balor has been one of WWE’s premier athletes both inside and outside the ring, and the former Universal Champion could have been on another level had injuries not bobbed him down.
Riddick Moss on the other hand has been around in WWE for as long as Balor has, yet he hasn’t been able to find even half as much success as The Prince of NXT. However, Ross is known to be a very fit Superstar who made the jump from football to wrestling in hopes of making it big.
After Balor suffered an injury at SummerSlam 2016, it took him a while to get back to training and the journey to getting in the ring was even longer. However, Balor found a “true friend” in the WWE Performance Center who helped him train and get back in ring-shape.
There is a major difference in being fit and being in ring-shape as the latter requires a lot more training and dedication to ensure that one does not get injured while competing.
Thankfully for The Prince, he had Moss by his side to help him out during the tough times.
#3 WWE Chairman Vince McMahon pushed Mick Foley to lose even more weight

Mick Foley is one man who was ready to do whatever it took to entertain the WWE Universe, and he will go down in history as one of the greatest sports entertainers of all time. Never known for his physique in wrestling, it was Foley’s character, dare-devil attitude, and incredible storylines that helped him become a big deal in WWE.
After hanging up his boots, Foley finally decided to work on his health and started to move to healthier eating choices. He also credited DDP Yoga for helping him out in his journey.
However, Foley was getting off track in just four months after his 12-month weight loss program until he had an interesting conversation with WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon.
Foley spoke to USA Today’s For The Win about how the WWE Chairman of the Board helped him stay on track and lose even more weight:
“I dropped 80 big ones. This is a true story. When I got back in touch with Mr. McMahon… I had been out of contact with Mr. McMahon, and I was told that it was important to him that he reestablish a friendship with me.
When I talked to him on the phone a couple of days later I said ‘no one’s ever verified this, but I believe part of the reason I’m rarely on the show is because it’s difficult to watch me get around.’
He didn’t say yes, he didn’t say no. I said ‘I just want you to know, I’ve lost 25 pounds with a goal of losing 80 by Christmas.’ And once I heard his voice on that phone say ‘I’m going to hold you to that,’ I knew I could do it.
It was that voice in my head late at night when the refrigerator would be saying ‘come here, come to me!’ And then I would hear that voice say ‘I’m going to hold you to that.’ And so I dropped 80 pounds, and on that day where I weighed in for Mr. McMahon, Stephanie probably told me three times during the course of the day ‘my father is so proud of you.’”
Had it not been for Mr. McMahon, Foley may have gotten off track and even gained all the weight back as he has never been known to take good care of himself. Looks like the Chairman of WWE really likes to see his current and former Superstars in good shape!
#2 16-time WWE World Champion John Cena inspired The Big Show to get abs
John Cena and The Big Show have shared the WWE ring several times, and their friendship goes back to the early 2000s. The two had their first rivalry in WWE in 2004, and since then fans have seen them put on great matches.
Big Show is also one of the few men who have allowed WWE Superstars like Brock Lesnar, Cesaro, and Cena to display their superhuman strength by slamming him to the mat.
In late 2017, Big Show decided to change a big aspect of his gimmick by deciding to shed some weight. He revealed that he was also known as The Worlds Largest Athlete and had to be the biggest man in the WWE ring, but he had a chance to change that following a conversation with his friend, Cena.
“John Cena and I were watching the show in a monitor. Usually if you go to our shows, if John and I aren’t working, we’re sitting there watching the show together. John and I were just cracking jokes on each other, and I made the comment about a giant with abs, who’d want to see that? And John Cena looked me square in the eye and said, ‘Yeah, a giant with abs. Who would want to see that?'”
“And he walked off. But the way he said it, he challenged me that I couldn’t do it. And it really upset me so bad that I got my act together that week and started in. It took me a little over a year and I dropped 90 pounds.”
The short conversation between the two men inspired WWE’s largest Superstar to shed over a 100-pound and get ripped at such a late stage in his career. Had it not been for Cena, fans may have never seen their favorite 7-footer lose enough weight to show off his six-pack abs!
#1 Finn Balor helps WWE Digital Coordinating Producer Dustin Wallace shed 85-pounds
Finn Balor likes to call WWE Digital Coordinating Producer Dustin Wallace his best buddy, and he looked to do something special for the gentleman to make his life healthier and fitter. Taking on the WWE 35 for 35 journey, Wallace looked to lose 35-pounds while training with The Extraordinary Man.
Being around extremely fit WWE Superstars would have inspired Wallace, and his best friend Balor is one of the fittest men in Sports Entertainment. Wallace revealed that traveling around the world for work made his pack on the extra pounds, and he decided to lose it before WrestleMania 35 after The Prince forced him to.
WWE followed the two men’s journey and made it into a documentary where fans can see how Wallace embarked on this remarkable journey.
"I had no doubt that he could make the 35-pound line," Balor said when talking about Wallace working out. "And now it's just become a habit and part of his routine. Since Wrestlemania, he's done all the work himself."
Working with Balor, and then independently, Wallace managed to shed 85-pounds to set an example for the entire WWE Universe! Seth Rollins also helped the two men in their transformation journey.
Had it not been for The Demon King, who knows whether Wallace would have even tried to shed any weight at all.