#4 Jon Moxley revealed a text that Vince McMahon sent him
In 2014, CM Punk’s tell-all appearance on Colt Cabana’s podcast was the most talked-about wrestling interview of the year. In 2019, that honor went to Jon Moxley, who discussed all things WWE and Vince McMahon on Chris Jericho’s Talk Is Jericho podcast.
Moxley (fka Dean Ambrose) informed Vince McMahon in January 2019 that he was not renewing his contract, which expired at the end of April. However, that did not stop the WWE Chairman from trying to extend his deal at the last minute.
The former Shield member recalled that Vince McMahon texted him at 4.00 am to ask whether he could go on WWE’s European tour. The tour ran from May 8-May 18, 2019, meaning Moxley needed to re-sign for at least three more weeks.
“He’s like, ‘Hey pal, need a favor, need you to whatever, the biggest box office we would have would be The Shield, last run through Europe, whatever, these dates,’ and for half a second I was like... eh... and then I was like, no. I was like... now you want a favor from me?” [H/T Cageside Seats]
Moxley did not agree to Vince McMahon’s request. The former WWE Champion ended up debuting at AEW’s Double or Nothing pay-per-view on May 25, 2019, one week after the European tour finished.