#2 Drew McIntyre

When Drew Mcintrye stormed the ring this week on Raw and laid a vicious beating on babyface group Titus Worldwide, fans were not booing in displeasure but cheering in disbelief.
That disbelief was due to witnessing the former Chosen One make his triumphant return to the main roster after falling from grace many years ago.
This is a moment McIntyre has earned. Therefore, with Mcintrye teaming with fellow overlooked superstar Dolph Ziggler, WWE should not waste time in getting these two superstars off to a hot start on Raw, as the brand could use a refreshing heel team wrecking havoc.
However, while teaming with Ziggler is currently McIntyre's booking plan, he is the main event star WWE needs on Monday Nights.
Therefore, it is not very difficult picturing McIntyre standing across the ring from Lesnar or Reigns in the main event of any pay-per-view this year, as those would be the building blocks for a new top-tier superstar.