#4 Big E - delving into WWE singles stardom for the first time in years

While Kofi Kingston isn't out for an extensive period of time, the "six-week" period is still a month and a half - and as we know in WWE, a lot can happen in a short span. Kofi Kingston, just like Xavier Woods, understood the potential that Big E has as a singles star and insisted that Big E uses the time he has to establish himself.
There have been multiple rumors in the past that Vince McMahon was initially so high on Big E that he wanted him to be the golden boy of WWE - only for Roman Reigns to take that spot in his mind instead.
Regardless, Big E is among the most accomplished tag team wrestlers in WWE history and he's young enough to establish himself in a singles run - with or without The New Day.
Since he's still getting his footing, we hope that WWE sticks to Big E as a singles star and keeps him as a babyface character for the remainder of 2020 - until the time is right to turn him heel.