#2 Paul Bearer

Died: 27 June 2004/23 April 2012
Cause of death: Cemented in a glass crypt/frozen to death
Suspect: The Undertaker/Kane
Venue: The Great American Bash/Raw
The Undertaker is a suspect for the third time in a row on this list. He was responsible for the destruction of several people in WWE including the late Paul Bearer. Paul served as Taker's manager from 1991 until 1997 after Kane's debut. He was one of the best managers in WWE history and is also responsible for the success of the Undertaker and Kane storyline. Bearer's dark days came in 2004 at The Great American Bash PPV. In the main event, Undertaker faced The Dudley Boys in a match where Bearer's life was at stake. Undertaker had to lose the match or else Bearer would be buried in a pile of cement.
Undertaker won the match however and went to the stage where it looked like he would save Bearer but proceeded to bury him with cement in a glass crypt, causing Bearer to die, in storyline. That was the last time Bearer was seen in WWE until 2010, during a feud between The Undertaker and Kane. Bearer joined forces with Taker but betrayed him at Hell in a Cell and joined forces with his son Kane instead. Bearer was kidnapped by Edge several times, during Edge's feud with Kane himself.
In 2012, Kane started a feud with Randy Orton, which lead Kane to attack Orton's father with a pipe. Randy Orton tried to take revenge against Kane by kidnapping Paul Bearer and locking him inside a freezer. Kane went to save Bearer, but after getting him out the freezer, he pushed him back in after telling him that he was saving him from himself. This was the Paul's last appearance in WWE before his real-life death in 2013.