#2: Mark Henry

The WWE have had plenty of bizarre storylines, but the 2013 feud between Santa Claus and Santa Claus may take the (Christmas) cake.
With Damien Sandow as the evil Claus, he would berate children calling them ungrateful, whilst his elves Tamina Snuka and then Diva's Champion AJ Lee looked on in glee.
Eventually, though, Damian Santa-dow was stopped in his tracks by the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Touted as the battle for Christmas (I guess if Sandow had won, there'd be no more Christmas?) the match had some pretty high stakes.
In a no-DQ match as well, Sandow-Santa used all sorts of means to end the holiday once and for all, even a Singapore (candy) Cane, but was thwarted, thanks to a World's Strongest Slam by the World's Strongest Santa.