#3 Kane

When we remember Undertaker, Kane automatically enters our thoughts. Kane has worked in the WWE as The Undertaker's fictional brother. He is awesome when it comes to delivering fearful promos and instances. Moreover, Kane has won more championships in the WWE than The Undertaker.
Kane is a 7 footer, 300 pounder man who has done it all for the WWE. His debut came back in the year 1992, so it's been 26 years since the Big Red Machine is working for the WWE.
His moves set was completely inspired by the Undertaker's move set, but Kane made his own respect later on in his career.
He is best known for his rivalry against Undertaker and his outstanding Royal Rumble Match record.
As of now, Kane contested for the Mayor elections and won the elections for the primary mayoral seat.
This may force him to quit wrestling, and concentrate on his political career. Since his debut, Kane has done pretty more than everything for the WWE, and it may be the time for his retirement.