#1 Mark Henry
Mark Henry’s power is not a secret. His size combined with his strength make him even more intimidating in the ring. But, before setting his foot in the pro-wrestling world, Henry was a professional power lifter (3-time US National Champion) and an Olympic weight-lifter. Henry has represented the USA in 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games, though he was unable to win a medal. But, if we start listing the accomplishments of Henry in the field of weightlifting we would require another article.
Since his teenage years, Henry has shattered and created many records. He still holds the WDFPF world records in the squat, deadlift and total and the USAPL American record in the deadlift since 1995. Also, he was also the first ever winner of the Arnold Strongman classic.
Henry is the first man in the history to one-hand clean and push press the "unliftable" Thomas Inch dumbbell (172 lbs; 2.47" diameter handle). Due to many such feats, Mark Henry was inducted to the International Sports Hall of Fame in 2012.
If anybody was under the impression that all the wrestling monikers were fake and just to create hype, well, “World’s Strongest Man” is here to prove you wrong with his long list of achievement.