#3 Eva Marie
When the draft split first happened, Eva Marie was literally at the forefront of the women's division. Her incredibly long and unique ring entrance was often the most talked about part of the blue brand show, both positively and negatively.
She was universally hated but always talked about. What really irked people about Eva Marie was that she was the walking embodiment of the pretty people privilege. She represents the notion that she is where she's at not because of in-ring ability and wrestling but because of her looks and marketability.
The fact that she's made it this far at all is an indictment of this theory. However, with Vince McMahon still running the company, fans fear that her growth in the company is only set to increase exponentially.
It's for this reason alone that she needs to move to Monday nights. RAW is usually the brand for all show and limited substance, Marie certainly embodies this style of booking. Eva Marie is Vince's idea of a crossover star so why shouldn't she be on his flagship show?