#3) The Rock
The Rock's electric run in the WWE from the 1990s to the early 2000s was the stuff of absolute legend. But it was his avatar during his final run with the company which made it truly special.
Coming back from his early days in Hollywood, Dwayne The Rock Johnson portrayed a conceited heel and embarked on a legendary feud against long-time rival and fellow Attitude Era legend, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
This feud set up one final match for The Rock – a match against a debuting Bill Goldberg and the man from Miami paid his dues to the business that made him by putting over Goldberg at Backlash before setting off into the Hollywood sunset to become the highest-paid actor in the world.
Despite his occasional returns to the company, this will always be considered by many to be the true retirement of The Rock and it is a cherished moment to this day.