#3. Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch was the last person anyone would ever compare with someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin. This was back in 2018 when she was still donning the persona of a cheerful, joyous babyface.
Lynch's heel turn at SummerSlam 2018 gave a much-needed change to her character. She soon became "The Man", and the rise in her popularity resulted in WWE giving her an opportunity of a lifetime. Lynch went on to defeat Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair to win the Raw and SmackDown Live Women's titles in the main event of WrestleMania 35.
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Comparisons between Austin and Lynch began soon after she became "The Man". Lynch went on to address Austin on several occasions on Twitter and recently appeared on his new show. Lynch's no-nonsense attitude, her ruthless demeanour, and the fact that she is more of an anti-hero than a babyface makes it easier for the fans to draw comparisons between the two.