#4 Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon

We all remember Test as the man who proposed to Stephanie McMahon, which was gleefully accepted. The late wrestler was quite good entertainment on the blue brand.
Shane McMahon wasn’t pleased with Test proposing to his sister on the first edition of SmackDown and came down to the ring to attack Test. The beating continued until Mankind ran into the ring to make the save.
Mankind then declared that a match between him and Shane would take place right then. Mankind delivered an incredible amount of punishment to Shane, and brought out Mr. Socko. Soon after, Triple H and Chyna made an appearance, helping Shane score the win.
R-Truth and Carmella started the proceedings on SmackDown 1000 with Truth TV. The guests of the show were none other than Shane and Stephanie who spoke about how it was an honor for them to bring the entertainment week after week.
Mr. McMahon soon joined them and cut the talking short, before ordering a dance break which everyone got involved in.