#2 Kevin Owens - Package Piledriver

Not many people know this, but the former WWE Universal Champion has a finisher banned by WWE. Kevin Owens' former finisher, the Package Piledriver, was banned by the WWE for being too dangerous, although he only used a modified version of it in the company.
As is the case with any piledriver, the neck of the opponent along with the head is at the most risk. Therefore, there are only a select few Superstars who have been trusted with any variation of the Piledriver - the move which curtailed Stone Cold Steve Austin's career.
#1 Triple H - Original Pedigree

Did you know that Triple H's original Pedigree is banned by the WWE?
Well, while the other three Superstars on this list had to change their finishers, Triple H didn't actually have to change his finisher; he just had to slightly modify it.
But, what is the original pedigree you ask? Well, it is nothing that much complex. In fact, it is just like the Pedigree that is used by The Game these days, albeit with a small change. In the previous iteration of the finisher, Triple H used to lock the hands of his opponent forcing the wrestler to bear the full brunt of the move on their face.
Fortunately, it was deemed too dangerous by the WWE and Triple H had to modify it slightly.