#3 Vader

Big Van Notorious Vader.
Heralded as one of the most athletic big men in contemporary pro wrestling history, Vader had it all in terms of his in-ring career. He travelled far and wide and performed admirably in many promotions.
But his record outside of the ring is certainly less than stellar.
Apparently, when Vader was in Kuwait years ago on vacation, he got drunk and started making a fool out of himself in a public pool. Understandably, Kuwaiti authorities were less than pleased and he had to be apprehended. But his vacation from hell was only going to get worse.
Rumours that he attacked a television show host during the said vacation also surfaced, and although they were proven to be largely untrue, two run-ins with the law in a foreign land don't really constitute a vacation, right?
But this incident of DUI in 2002 is what really takes the cake. After wrecking his car against a bush, Vader – who was still in a heavy state of intoxication – was arrested by eight officers with the aid of two dogs and...wait for it...three handcuffs!
Why it took such manpower, you ask?
Oh, a small matter of an extremely drunk 350 pound, 6’5” tall man threatening to kill them all.