#1 Scott Hall

It’s just too bad that Scott Hall literally believed that being a bad guy was cool, as he consistently found himself in the police station for it. His long list of offences kicks off with arguably the worst one of the lot in 1983 when he was charged with second-degree murder for shooting a man with his own gun outside a club.
Apparently, as the story goes, Hall had been the bouncer and the guy had stepped to him aggressively. Oh, snap!
This was followed by another run-in with the authorities in the early 1990s for trying to hijack a limousine when under the intoxication of alcohol (sigh). In 1998, Hall was roped in by the law yet again for molesting a 56-year old woman in Louisiana. And during the probation period that had been slapped on him for this offence, he didn’t show up for community service and went to jail for that too.
By now, you must be tired of his penchant for getting into trouble but Scott Hall himself was far from done.
He was arrested for a DUI in 2000, unable to figure out which lane was the right one, and swiftly followed that up with another visit to the coppers for kicking in the door of a cab less than a month removed from his previous misdemeanour.
And then, out of the blue (also thanks to DDP Yoga), it appeared as though Scott Hall had cleared up his act.
A decade passed without an outright run-in with the law but in 2010, Hall was at it again. This time, the crimes of choice were resisting arrest and disorderly conduct in a bar in Florida. This was succeeded by a relatively quick turn around as he was taken into custody just two years later, for allegedly choking his girlfriend.
He may be long retired from in-ring competition, but one way or another, Scott Hall’s unsavoury track record with the law keeps confirming his infamous quote.
I’m not sure about the hard work or the dreams coming true... but the Bad Guys sure do seem to last.