#4. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn has had a very successful career by any one's standards despite never being one of the top guys on the WWE card. As one half of the New Age Outlaws, he found success after his initial run as one of the Smoking Gunns and then Rockabilly.
As part of DX, Gunn became a household name along with the rest of the group during the famed Attitude Era. Although Gunn is a former King of the Ring winner and destined for a run at the top, one promo from The Rock seemingly hurt his career so badly that a run as a top guy was never a possibility again.
Despite this, he's a former WWE Intercontinental Champion and has won the tag-team Championships a staggering 11 times.
Billy Gunn beat Brock Lesnar twice in two consecutive nights in October 2001. The first night was in a dark match before WWE Jakked. He beat Lesnar again in a dark match before WWE Heat,