#1 Edge rejected a "deaf-mute" gimmick
Edge is hands down one of the biggest Superstars in the history of this business. A mega heel at his peak in 2006-08, Edge was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2012 for his contributions to the industry.
A few years ago, on an episode of Talk Is Jericho, Edge recalled that WWE once pitched him the character of a "deaf mute". Edge revealed that the idea was pitched by Vince Russo.
"Russo wanted to write me as a deaf mute because he didn't think I could talk. It was his idea, so obviously he didn't think I liked his [tag team] idea and thought ‘I'd s**ew with this kid’. [The idea would have made me] dead in the water."
Edge soon became a strong mid-card act and enjoyed several Tag Team title reigns with Christian. He won his first WWE title by cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase on John Cena , and the rest is history. Edge made a miraculous return to WWE at the 2020 Royal Rumble PPV, after being away from action for almost a decade.