#5 PMS

It was no coincidence that the Pretty Mean Sisters faction went by the acronym PMS. During edgy and often as not juvenile Attitude Era, the group of Jacqueline, Terri Runnels, and Ryan Shamrock were portrayed as women on their worst behavior.
The faction wasn’t all that oriented toward wrestling itself, but rather were very much emblematic of Vince Russo’s style of booking. Three under-utilized performers had something cohesive and provocative to do. Their screen time tended to focus more on their relationships and sex lives than matches. In time, they gained a male member—subordinate Shawn Stasiak, recast as Meat, because he was nothing but a piece of meat to them.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
PMS didn’t accomplish all that much, and WWE may be bit embarrassed about them in hindsight. Just the same, in catering to a teenage male demographic, they served their purpose.