#3 CM Punk

This will likely not come as a surprise to most of you reading this, but CM Punk was never supposed to make it in WWE. The Straight Edge Superstar hit a glass ceiling in the company's reboot of ECW and that's all Vince McMahon ever really wanted from him.
For Punk and his good friend Paul Heyman, however, that wasn't good enough. Paul pushed and pushed for Punk to be treated as something more in WWE. Eventually, Heyman's nagging and Punk's hard work earned him exactly that.
Punk has been very open about what Triple H and Vince think of him, and in turn what he thinks of them. Since he never headlined WrestleMania, Punk thinks he didn't really make it in WWE, but he did. No one holds the WWE Championship for 434 straight days without being able to be considered a pretty big deal.