#1 The Rik Bugez Experience
Since most of the groups I've suggested are heels, we'll need at least one group of good guys for them to battle against. Most babyfaces have to battle against the groups alone, but NXT could just as easily add a stable of faces.
Remember when Eric Bugenhagen had one of the most memorable debuts back in February of 2019? It was so outlandish right off the bat that it was easy to buy into what he was doing. He believed in it so it was easy to see that he was enjoying himself. That's a great way to get fans to buy into an act. He debuted with a bang but then was quickly gone from programming. Perhaps he is still developing his in-ring skills since he already has the performer part down.
Whatever the case is, his gimmick is infectious and could be used to get others over. I would have previously suggested Joaquin Wilde since he has a loud EDM side to his gimmick but he was abducted by masked men. Instead, the newly named Rik Bugez seems close to Nick Ogarelli who is pictured above with Bugez. Bands have more than one member, right? They even had a few of their names attached to the photo above.
As for who else would make sense, Jessi Kamea was a fun-loving performer before she participated in the last Mae Young Classic. Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro are also friends and want to be a team so they would fit in well with the lovable goofball. Denzel Dejournette looked like his gimmick was close to partying or having fun before getting attacked, so why not put him with the master of the air guitar. The possibilities are endless with an extremely diverse roster.