#2. Banks the technician

Sasha Banks is, to many, all talk. Like all classic heel wrestlers, she lets her mouth do a lot of her business for her, and isn't necessarily always there to be found when there's a fight to be had or a babyface to confront.
As a babyface herself, Banks' list of memorable matches is incredible, as we noted in the previous slide. Even then, however, it's a point to consider that Banks doesn't always use all the tools in her arsenal when it comes to tackling an opponent, whether she's a heel or babyface.
And I think that's a shame. Banks is, I believe, a gifted technical wrestler, and certainly far more so than she is given credit for, or even gives herself credit for.
Remember those cool kids at school that were more concerned with being the popular guys and girls, or more worried about what they'd be doing at lunch than their studies, even though they were actually super bright?
For me, that's Banks. As this photo of her giving Bayley a tough day at the office shows, she's capable of tying opponents into knots and playing her part in a classic wrestling match, and is more than just Bank Statements and Boss beatdowns.