#2 Paul Heyman working with Rousey on promos

According to The Wrestling Observer, Paul Heyman has been helping Ronda Rousey produce her segments recently and has also been giving her lines to read. Interestingly enough, he is also said to be responsible for the comment about John Cena kicking Bella out of his bedroom, which was a huge hit with fans afterwards.
While it's not known if WWE will stick with this plan long-term or even make Rousey the first ever Paul Heyman girl, it seems like the company is at least going to use Heyman in this storyline. With that being said, Heyman is a genius at this kind of stuff, which is a genuine reason for fans to at least stay engaged with the storyline as it progresses.
Maybe it will turn out to be great and maybe it won't, but WWE is really trying with this one and having Heyman work with Rousey proves that. If nothing else, Heyman could add that extra bit of flavour to the feud that creates a moment in history on Raw. A moment in history that everyone will remember and everyone will remember where they were when it happened.