#2 Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho has accomplished just about everything in professional wrestling, with the glaring exception being a win in the Royal Rumble match. At this point, it's most likely that it will forever be a missing stone in his illustrious career. Jericho's return to WWE is highly improbable since the advent of AEW.
It's surprising that he has never achieved the milestone. Jericho's best performance came in 2012, where he finished as the runner-up, being eliminated by Sheamus. In 2013, Jericho lasted for 47 minutes, 53 seconds before being eliminated by Dolph Ziggler. Jericho has been rumored to win the match on a few different occasions, especially in 2010, but it was not to be. He did win the World Heavyweight Championship the following month inside the Elimination Chamber and went on to WrestleMania and beat Edge to keep the title.
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Jericho has 11 Royal Rumble appearances to his name and records the highest time spent inside the ring as a participant, only 30 seconds shy of 5 hours total.