#2. Finally acknowledging the past

We were surprised that it took this long. But at long last, WWE finally acknowledged Drew McIntyre's past with Vince McMahon and the fact that the boss declared the Scotsman as a Future World Champion.
What's so fascinating about Drew McIntyre's current push is the story behind it. Over the last few years, we've seen the coronations of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and to a smaller extent - Kofi Kingston as well.
While Kingston's story was unique in its own right, McIntyre's story is just as fascinating because of the reality of it. The handpicked "Golden boy" failing and becoming a liability to the company before getting fired, only to work his way back up, make a name for himself outside the company and return in a big way.
The timing couldn't have been more perfect and the interview was the best way to utilize McIntyre. By having him acknowledge the past, it adds layers to his character and gives him relatability as a babyface - which is exactly what WWE needs to do.