#4. The "New" Undertaker emerges

We've been buzzing about The Undertaker's new gimmick for a few weeks now and he's only done more to add to the excitement. We're not going to call him "The Deadman" right now because that isn't what it is.
Interestingly, it's not The American Badass either, but it appears to be a bit of a mix between the two. He cut his best promo in a long time and ripped AJ Styles apart without laying a finger on him (except for Super ShowDown).
He finally acknowledged Michelle McCool as his wife while being in character and we never would have expected that The Undertaker would be a superstar that we could be excited about in 2020.
It just goes to show that the reinvention was needed a long time ago and if the rumors of him being physically fit are true, it would be good to have him appear a bit more frequently. However, we'd still like to know what a Boneyard match is. It looks like we're going to have to wait till Sunday for that.