4: The Seven Deities Are Real...To Matt Hardy
During Broken Matt Hardy's promos, he would often speak about the Seven Deities who guide him, give him inspiration, and all that sort of thing. They were very real to Matt Hardy and you should never think he was making stuff up without having a backstory as well.
Matt Hardy's vessel is only as old at Hardy's physical form but Broken Matt's soul is 2,009 years old and he speaks like a man who has lived through all of history and absorbed everything obscene, perfect, and repulsive to develop a discernment on what needs to be DELETED and what is OBSOLETE.
Matt Hardy called upon the Seven Deities which includes: Neric, Cohle, Chall, Sirko, Astarr, Gustavo, and Brohare. Although these deities were devised from the brain of Hardy and don't have any direct spiritual reference we can tell, they are still fitting names for the voices in Broken Matt's head who counsel him and understand, they talk to him.