#2: Sin Cara (Mistico)

We’re specifically talking about the original Sin Cara here, as the current one we have seems to be doing fine, even if he’s rarely seen on TV.
The fact alone, that we now have a second man under the mask, probably gives you an indication of why Triple H regrets signing the original.
Before debuting, the first Sin Cara worked as Mistico in Mexico, and was one of the Game’s first - and biggest - signings with the company. WWE had high hopes of the Lucha star being the next Rey Mysterio.
But weeks of vignettes and a flashy entrance could not save Mistico, who’s repeated botches turned him into a joke with fans - just months after debuting in 2011.
Not only that, but a series of attitude problems followed the masked star around, with an altercation between him and Simon Gotch being far from a one-off incident.
A failure almost instantly after arriving, he remains one of the biggest blemishes on the King of King’s signing record.