#1. Stone Cold Steve Austin

You all saw Stone Cold Steve Austin's promo at the Raw Reunion a few weeks ago and witnessed the massive, massive pop the 'Texas Rattlesnake' received to close out that episode of Monday Night Raw. If that alone isn't enough to convince you that Austin retired too soon, then I don't know what to tell you.
Sure Austin was yet another wrestler to call it a day because he was advised to by doctors otherwise he might accidentally paralyze himself after wrestling with injuries for several years and not seeking medical help for them. But, it would definitely be amazing to see one of the best in the business (arguably the best ever) return to the ring just one last time.
And that's certainly what thousands of other people think, with Austin having just 'one more match' being brought up regularly despite being something that he shoots down as a possibility regularly!
Who else in WWE do you feel retired way too soon? Share your ideas in the comments down below!