Entrance themes are as important in professional wrestling as signature moves. They help a wrestler stand out to fans and give them their own distinct identity.
An entrance theme is the first impression a wrestler has on the audience and over time, can be used to manipulate the emotions and feelings of the audience like the sound of the glass breaking at the beginning of Stone Cold’s theme.
There are iconic themes that are forever intertwined with the respective wrestlers like Kurt Angle’s iconic entrance or Hulk Hogan’s ‘Real American’.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
For every good entrance theme, there are countless others that diminish the image of the Superstar they represent. These can be for countless reasons ranging from not going with the Superstar’s character to being downright generic.
Today I look at 6 superstars who need to revamp their entrance music.
#6 AJ Styles
In short, AJ Styles’ new WWE theme song doesn’t suit him at all, especially now that he has turned heel. Hip-hop and AJ’s character don’t really go together and his entrance theme contains the words “farmers’ strength”.
What does that have to with anything?
AJ needs high energy music that screams badassery and suits the high energy wrestling style that he brings to the ring every time. We just need to take one look at AJ’s New Japan theme to understand what would be perfect for him.
#5 Natalya
The daughter of Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart, Natalya comes from one of the most respected families in all of pro-wrestling. And having been in the WWE system for almost 10 years, she’s one of the veterans of WWE’s women’s division.
Although Natalya is a very talented wrestler, her character has become really stale over the years with her using her family’s heritage as the only basis of her character. Natalya has just turned heel and it’s the perfect chance to distance herself from her that legacy and build her own identity.
This has to start with Natty’s entrance music, which is just a rework of her uncle Bret Hart’s entrance theme. Although Bret Hart’s music is iconic, it’s associated with him and not really Natalya.
Natalya needs her own entrance theme that reflects her new heel personality.
#4 Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler’s career is a sad story of what could have been.
If WWE had given him a good run earlier in his career, especially when he was really hot in 2013, Ziggler could have been a main event level star. Instead today, Dolph Ziggler is one of the stalest wrestlers in the WWE.
The number of times that Ziggler loses on a regular basis has really hurt his standing in the eyes of fans.
Ziggler desperately needs new entrance music that veers him away from his current ‘Showoff’ incarnation that’s going nowhere. New music would give Dolph a chance to reinvent himself and give him a longer run in the WWE.
And with the brand split coming, who knows, he might even get a chance to get near the main event scene of whatever brand he ends up on.
#3 Cesaro

Cesaro is one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE right now and in-ring ability wise, one of the best in the world. However, in the past, Cesaro has been criticized for the lack of mic skills, a bland persona and not connecting with fans.
One thing that can’t have helped is that sadly, Cesaro has had some terrible entrance music over the years and once even came to the ring to yodeling. Cesaro’s current theme song is pretty terrible too and sounds like an ambulance siren gone rogue.
Cesaro himself is reportedly not a big fan of it.
He desperately needs a new entrance theme that shows off his personality and ability as one of the best wrestlers in the WWE right now. If Cesaro is truly gearing up to make the jump to the next level, then this entrance theme simply won’t do.
#2 Roman Reigns
When The Shield broke up, Roman Reigns got to keep the look and the entrance theme.
At first, this seemed like a gift but this has, in time, turned out to be a curse. Since then, fan support for Roman has faltered, waned and now turned toxic. And a part of this is due to his inability to establish an image of himself away from The Shield.
While Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have moved on and established themselves in their own right, Roman is still coming out to a modified version of The Shield’s entrance music.
It's time to give Roman some kickass new music once he returns from his Wellness Policy suspension, and change his look up a little. Roman needs a theme that goes better with his persona and bruising in-ring style, and that will help him establish his own identity.
#1 Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins is now a former two-time World Heavyweight Champion and the supposed future of the WWE, but his entrance theme sounds as generic as a WWE 2K16 create-a-wrestler theme.
Rollins’ music was clearly put together hastily once The Shield broke up and the theme is bland and personality-less. And it is certainly not good enough for a main even star and top level performer of his caliber.
Rollins needs music that exudes his personality and sets him apart from the rest of the roster.
The WWE had a chance to change his theme recently after he came back from a long injury lay-off and tie it in with the slogan, “redesign, rebuild, reclaim”, that he so aptly personifies.