#4 The Velveteen Dream

Let's go down the wrestling heel checklist to see how the Velveteen Dream matches up.
Arrogant? Check!
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Self-centred? Also, check!
Dresses outlandishly in direct opposition to societal mores? Check!
Eschews any companionship from fellow talent? Check!
Gets booed by crowd? Absolutely not!
If Velveteen Dream had made his debut fifteen years ago, he would have been booed relentlessly at best, or treated as a laughingstock at worse.
However, this very young talent (he's still in his early twenties) is one of the most dynamic, compelling, and popular wrestlers on the NXT roster. His ability in the ring is matched by his smoothness on the mic -- could we say he's smooth as Velvet? I think we can.
Why he gets cheers instead of boos: Firstly, the Velveteen Dream is insanely talented in respect to both his technical wrestling and athletic ability. Fans recognize and respect this. Add in the fact that he has a golden voice and the gift of gab, and some of the best facial expressions we've seen in sports entertainment, and you have a slam dunk babyface who the fans can't get enough of.