#4 Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Survivor Series (November 17, 1996), WrestleMania 13 (March 23, 1997) and Revenge of the Taker (April 20, 1997)

Sometimes two wrestlers just have amazing chemistry. Bret "Hitman" Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin are two of those wrestlers. In late 1996, Hart returned to WWE after an extended lay off and Stone Cold was his hand picked opponent.
The pair had immediate chemistry and put together a technical stunner at the 1996 Survivor Series. Hart won when he reversed Austin's Million Dollar Dream sleeper submission into a roll up pin.
The inevitable sequel occurred sooner than planned at WrestleMania 13, after the scheduled Hart/Michaels bout was shelved due to the latter's knee injury. The 'Mania collision was one of the finest WWE bouts of all time. Jam packed with brawling, technical wrestling, blood, violence and an intensity rarely seen in the Federation at the time, the match had everything. Hart won again, when in an iconic scene, a blood soaked Austin passed out in Hart's patented Sharp Shooter submission hold.
Their final collision occurred one month later at In Your House: Revenge of the Taker, when in the headliner, Austin finally defeated Hart via DQ when the Hart Foundation interfered. Stone Cold then battered the squad senseless to stand tall.
A fine trilogy of bouts which firmly established Stone Cold as the number one face in the company which eventually kicked off the ultra successful Attitude Era the following year.