Complaining is one of the major traits that every wrestling fan has. We are never happy with what we get and no matter how good things are we always dig out certain reasons to complain about. While some of this criticism is indeed good for the business if they are constructive in nature, a major portion of them is simply a waste of time.
In fact, some of them are so funny and illogical that we should stop coming up with them again and again. And in this list, we are going to take a look at those funny complaints that the professional wrestling fans should stop making.
7: John Cena sucks
This is a complaint that gets thrown around so often that it’s funny these days. John Cena is hands down one of the most polarizing characters that WWE has on their roster. Of course, people are entitled to have their own opinion about a particular wrestler and they are supposed to hate or love as they like. But with the case of Cena, a majority of the fans out there hate him for the sake of just hating him.
And this is what leads to these funny complaints about how Cena sucks. If we just look back at the past few years of Cena’s career, he has been responsible for a string of excellent matches. And as far as Cena buries talent comment goes, anyone who gets a rub with Cena only benefits by sharing the screen space with him. So what exactly is the reason why we are complaining that Cena sucks?
6: “The Pay-per-view card should be booked like this”
We all have fantasy match cards that we throw in whenever a discussion comes out. And the fun part is: our card will probably be light years away from what WWE has put together. Have you ever wondered why?
Why doesn’t WWE pack their show with excellent matches throughout rather than what they do now? Well, it’s the show pacing that comes to play in such situations. Imagine that we have a stacked card with matches such as Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins, Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks and some other interesting matches in the undercard and then Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels headlining. The undercard is so good that we are bound to burn out our energy cheering for it and die out when Michaels and Taker come for the main event.
WWE, with years of experience in the business, know how this works and book the card accordingly so that the matches that need attention get the attention.
5: Roman Reigns does not deserve to be on top
First of all, let’s get the facts straight, I’m not a Roman Reigns fan, but Reigns deserves respect. Anyone that saw the Shield’s documentary would know the different path that Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose had to travel. And the two main reasons why the WWE Universe hate Reigns are:
- We say that his microphone skills are bad
- We feel that he is getting the superman push to the top
As far as the first thing goes, Bret Hart did not have good microphone skills (just one example, you can find more yourselves). It was WWE’s duty to book Reigns in such a way to hide his negatives and project his positives rather but they failed at it. Imagine if Reigns didn’t crack unwanted jokes and simply came in, destroyed his opponent and went out. Would we still hate him? The guy is just following what WWE asks him to follow and you can’t blame it on him.
4: He deserves to be the champion because he is a better wrestler with so many moves
The ‘better wrestler’ qualifier is used by the wrestling fans mostly on the basis of the number of moves that a wrestler can pull off. Some wrestlers might have a very long list of moves in their arsenal compared to others and this makes a good portion of the fans back the former. The thing is; WWE is not only about how much moves someone has. It’s about someone’s ability to be an overall brand that WWE could sell to their fans.
Just because someone can pull off 100 moves does not mean WWE would push him to be the champion. The trend is, however, changing a bit but then again, the number of moves is not one of those things that fans should use to check whether a wrestler is better or not.
3: Attitude Era was better
This complaint is funny and sad at the same time. Funny because from a wrestling point of view, Attitude Era was nowhere near what WWE is giving out these days. The matches were short and the company was more focused on the controversial stuff rather than giving good wrestling matches. Yes, Attitude era was entertaining for the 18-35 male demographic due to the colourful language, sex and the violence it carried, but times have changed.
And the best part is: a good portion of the people that complain about not seeing ‘good wrestling’ in WWE complains about missing the Attitude Era. The only thing that WWE misses now is some good storytelling. They need not sell sex or controversy, they just need some logical storytelling for the good wrestling that they are producing.
2: WWE book for children now
This is a known fact and despite knowing that this is a fact, we keep complaining. WWE caters to the kids because that’s where the money is. During the Monday Night Wars, WWE had some stiff competition from WCW and in turn, had to step up their game to please the 18-35 demographic that we had mentioned earlier.
However, at this time period, they are under no such pressure. They can simply play it safe and still be the top company. Parents do whatever the kids enjoy. So if the kids want to come to a show or want to see the show on television, the parents are forced to do the same to an extent. And it works in a similar way for merchandise as well.
1: The part-timer is getting a better booking
The part-timers coming in and getting a good booking than regular superstars is something that gets under the skin of fans too often. The frustration is understandable but at the same time, WWE wants to attract the casual viewers. Someone, who rarely watches the wrestling product, is likely to tune in if the card has a big name.
For instance, a non-wrestling fan that watches movies might tune into WWE just to see Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson appear. After all, WWE is a business and they want new customers all the time. The fans that they already have are more likely to stick around despite millions of complaints. So doing the math, pushing a part-time big star is never a lost battle as far as WWE is concerned, so it’s us, the fans that should stop wasting our time by complaining about it.