#4 Monty Brown - Alpha Male (Disturbed’s Down With The Sickness)
Monty Brown, known to WWE (or, WWE’s ECW) fans as Marcus Cor Von, is a bit of an enigma in pro wrestling. In 2004, he came into TNA completely out of nowhere (he had a few brief appearances in 2002 and 2003, but they led to nothing and most people don’t even remember them) and immediately became a feared force to be reckoned with.
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Brown was charismatic, energetic and unbelievably fun to watch. His finishing move, The Pounce, was the best football tackle style move used in pro wrestling. While he never won a title in TNA and had a very short-lived career in WWE due to family issues, Brown made a hell of an impact (no pun intended) during his quick run in TNA.
His theme song embodied the intensity of his persona and was a pretty well-made takeoff of one of Disturbed’s best and most well-known songs. It was edited and tweaked a few times, and each time made the song less awesome, but the original version, shown above, was just awesome.