#2 Power and Glory

This was a tag team in the early 1990s that consisted of Hercules Hernandez and Paul Roma. Hercules provided the 'Power' and Roma added the 'Glory'. Unfortunately for Roma, he didn't have the best of luck when it came to teams/stables.
The team was managed by the smooth-talking Slick as one of the teams under his master tutelage. They often battled the likes of the Rockers, the Hart Foundation, LOD and other combinations of faces at the time.
Since the concept is simple in its design of pairing a powerful superstar with one that is slightly smaller but super athletic, why not pair the likes of Apollo Crews with Bobby Lashley as a newer version?
The original team's finisher was a super-plex off the top rope by Hercules followed by a splash off the top rope from Roma. Lashley and Crews could easily recreate that finishing sequence or even update it with a moonsault or 450 splash from Crews.
Lashley is kind of stagnant now even though he's been slightly more successful as an arrogant heel. Crews desperately needs a change and a heel turn would be great for him. He wouldn't have to talk as much and he could simply brag about his athleticism. Or have Lio Rush do it.
WWE always pairs singles stars together to form tag teams, and this is one that could have potential. The WWE missed the boat on a potential variation of the former tag team when they had Cesaro briefly tag with Neville. That would have been a perfect version of the team.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.