#4 Team Canada/Hart Foundation

Since Major League Wrestling is trying to copyright the name 'Hart Foundation' because of the team of Teddy Hart, Brian Pillman, Jr. and David Hart Smith, I would either call this the Hart Legacy or something related to Team Canada.
The current political climate in the US would make this work as many are for and many are against policies that the current orange-haired president is trying to pass.
The Hart Legacy could easily boast that things are better in Canada and that that Canada treats its citizens much better than the US does. It could lead to a return appearance for Bret Hart. They could feud with the US Champion, Rusev, who has changed his stance on the US.
There are a ton of Canadian wrestlers currently in the WWE, so it wouldn't be hard to form this faction. People like Bobby Roode, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Natalya would be perfect for the Hart Legacy.
Owens named his son after Owen Hart and Natalya is a member of the Hart family. The wrestlers not named Hart could be included because of the impact that the Hart Foundation and family had on their lives.
Cesaro would be a good addition due to his time as a team with both Tyson Kidd and Natalya, and Tye Dillinger could also be a member.
Since Natalya isn't the strongest on the mic, she could leave the talking to Owens, Zayn and Roode, who can all hold their own and more on the microphone.