Stable #5: The Kingdom
The Kingdom is a Ring of Honor heel stable that has undergone many transitions over the years. Initially, it was the 'kingdom' of Matt Hardy, who served as the group's leader and inspiration. In fact, long after Matt Hardy had ceased to wrestle for Ring of Honor, the group's new leader Adam Cole would still do the Hardy hand sign and perform a Twist of Fate as his finisher.
Eventually the Kingdom would come under the dominion of Maria Kannelis, who served as the leader until she and her husband signed with WWE. Then, a new leader emerged; Matt Taven.
Taven has been a long time Ring of Honor Alum, and if you've ever had a chance to see him live you'll understand that he's one of the most underrated performers working in sports entertainment today. He has been joined by indie scene darlings TK O'Ryan and Vinny Marseglia, and the trio seems poised to be the top faction in Ring of Honor.