Age is just a number for these athletes.
With its brutal road schedule, painful bumps, and almost certain injuries, pro wrestling is a young man's game, right?
Wrong! Now more than ever, athletes are finding ways to remain competitive long after they have passed their 'prime.' It seems like every promotion has at least a few wrestlers who continue to work well into middle age.
After all, there's no substitute for experience, and these wrestlers can still perform at a level that exceeds men half their age.
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Without further ado, here are seven of the best wrestlers over the age of forty.
"You will never forget the name of....(inhale)....GOLDUST!"
Well, we won't have to, because it seems like he's never going to retire!
Did Dustin Runnels--son of the legendary American Dream Dusty Rhodes--find the fountain of youth? At the age of 48, he looks better than he did during his TNA run ten years ago, and is still smooth as silk in the ring despite his advanced age.
Gold never loses its glitter, and neither does Goldust!
R Truth--46 years old.
Ron "the Truth" Killings has had ups and downs in his career, but always maintains a high level of physical fitness and an upbeat, goofy attitude.
Perhaps his career highlight is winning the NWA heavyweight championship during his tenure with TNA, or his main event feud with John Cena that put the buzzword "little Jimmy" into hundreds of memes.
In any event, R Truth is still going strong at an age where most men are turning to easier sports like golf. And that's the truth!
Kane--50 years old
Glen Jacobs, the man behind Kane's mask, suffered through many ridiculous gimmicks during his long wrestling career. You'd think Unabomb would be the worst, but no...
Or then there was this little gem...
Fortunately, Jacobs struck gold with the Kane character. Who would have thought playing a burn victim with a cancer harmonica who was the brother of a man named Undertaker would be a career high?
Kane still gets in the ring, most recently challenging for Brock Lesnar's Universal title at a house show. The fact that a man that large can get around at all, much less at the age of fifty, speaks volumes about his athleticism.
Matt Hardy--43 years old.
Most of the men on this list have had a steady amount of success throughout their careers, but Matt Hardy stands alone because his stock as actually went UP in his middle age.
By creating the "Broken" (now Woken in WWE) character, he revitalized his career, made himself relevant again, and--most surprising of all--is now considered the 'better' half of the Hardy Boys.
In spite of his age, Matt is in the best shape he's seen in years, and looks to have fully recovered from his mopey social media tirades about ex-girlfriends and ex-employers. At the age of 43, Hardy is fresh and exciting. No mean feat.
Jushin Thunder Liger--53
It's hard to believe that the man behind Liger's mask is the same guy who's been wrestling for over thirty years!
For a man of his age, Liger is in tremendous condition, putting men of half his years to shame. While for a time Liger seemed disillusioned with wrestling, he has regained his love and passion for the sport and is happier than ever to perform.
Whether it's wrestling in Japan, in Ring of Honor, or--we can only hope--having a dream match at Wrestlemania, Liger proves that you're only as old as you feel.
Christopher Daniels--47
The progenitor of the Best Moonsault Ever--that's BME if you're cool--Almighty Christopher Daniels seems to never age.
Despite a quarter decade of gruelling ring wars, the General can still pass muster. Most recently he enjoyed a long-overdue reign as Ring of Honor world champion and shows no signs of slowing down yet. How amazing is Daniels, you may ask? Well, he went through a flaming table recently that left skin hanging loose on his back...
Chris Jericho--47 years old.
The Best in the world at what he does, Chris Jericho has had a long, storied career, and he's made it clear he will stop when he darn well pleases to!
Forecasts of Jericho's retirement have come and gone, but he always seems to return even stronger than before, with subtle tweaks to his character that keep him fresh and entertaining even three decades into his career.
His most recent accolade was facing NJPW US Champion Kenny Omega in a highly publicized and eagerly anticipated match that did not disappoint.
There you have it: Seven wrestlers over forty who can still go!