#3 Roman Reigns was miscast
After the break-up of The Shield, Reigns and Ambrose were the two men who had the momentum as babyfaces while Rollins had the momentum as a heel. Reigns slowly, but surely was gaining the support of the audience by being a badass character whose actions spoke more for him than his words.
If you were to compare him to previous wrestlers in WWE history, Reigns would probably fit the mould of Batista more in the role of a top guy. Sticking to that ideology probably would’ve saved WWE from their own mistakes. Unfortunately, the WWE wanted another John Cena and are still trying to this day, to make Reigns Cena-2.0.
The 2014 Survivor Series match with Ziggler as the sole survivor would’ve more than likely been Reigns’ spot and probably would’ve caused the backlash quicker. But if that wouldn’t have done the job, then the corny promos and the Royal Rumble booking clearly did the trick.
But if that wasn’t enough, he became a three-time world champion in less than a year. He is the current United States Champion, but is still a mainstay in the main event scene to the point where he main events almost as often as the Universal Champion.
The crowd is still hostile whenever Reigns comes out and unless they are willing to book him differently, this trend will continue.