Haters will hate, but you have to give credit where it's due. Roman Reigns has surpassed Cena and Hogan.
When it comes to world champions, the WWE has a great and storied history.
Long before the Rock n Wrestling connection changed the business model of pro wrestling forever, there was an organization called the WWWF, or World Wide Wrestling Federation. Though at one time it was a member of the National Wrestling Alliance, it also operated for years under its own auspices.
When you talk about WWWF champions, the man who comes most to mind is probably Bob Backlund. The former amateur wrestling standout had strength, stamina, and presence that served him well as champion.
But Backlund could do more than just grapple; He was also a fierce brawler who could more than hold his own if the match degenerated into a slobber knocker. His five-year title reign lasted 2,135 days, during which time he held off legends like Jimmy Snuka and Ken Patera.
After the WWWF dropped a letter and became simply the WWF, the champion was Hulk Hogan. While Hogan didn't have Backlund's amateur background or technical skills, he was a great talker and many of the top wrestling moments from the 1980s involve him in some form or fashion.
Post-Hogan, during what has been called the New Generation era, Bret Hart was the primary face champion, though his reigns were never as long as had been in previous eras. He shared the spotlight with Yokozuna and Shawn Michaels during this period. Hart restored technical wrestling to the main event picture and presented a much more underdog character when wrestling as a babyface.
Then there was the Attitude Era, with Steve Austin being the biggest name star. Stone Cold created the archetype of the wrestling antihero, which is still seen in use today. Finally, in the Ruthless Aggression and PG era John Cena has been the man most prominently featured...until Roman Reigns.
As great as all of those former WWE champions are, here are seven reasons why Roman Reigns was the best WWE champion of all time.
#1 The Superman Punch

There have been many legendary finishing moves utilized by WWE champions. Macho Man Randy Savage favored a flying elbow drop off the top rope. Many camera flashes went off when he raised his arms in the air before flying through the air and crashing down on his hapless opponent.
Hulk Hogan had the Immortal Leg Drop, a relatively simple manoeuvre that Hogan made look more impressive by virtue of his massive size. The Hulkster would often set up the leg drop with either a big boot or a body slam. John Cena utilizes the Attitude Adjustment, a modified shoulder slam, and sometimes uses an STF as well.
But the Superman punch is superior to all of them. Unlike the elbow drop, Roman's opponent does not have to be prone on the mat. And Roman does not have to lift his opponent to perform the finishing move, an advantage against larger opponents.
Of course, he can also hit the move from anywhere in the ring, or outside of it for that matter. Its versatility, explosiveness, and damage make it a better finisher than any other WWE champion.
#2 Samoan Heritage

Roman Reigns is a member of the A'noai family, a clan of Samoan heritage who also boast some famous wrestlers besides the Big Dog. The Rock, Nia Jax, the Usos, Umaga, and Rosie were just a few of the wrestlers who have been part of the family dynasty.
While his cousin the Rock also represented the Samoan People, Roman is the one who has made it much more a part of his character and persona.
The "Island Boys" as they are sometimes referred to by themselves have been a part of wrestling almost since its inception. The Headshrinkers, the Islanders, the Samoan Swat Team and High Chief Peter Maivia are legendary in the sport for good reason. The Samoans bring a lot of power, perseverance, and attitude to their role as sports entertainers.
Roman Reigns represents not only the Samoan People but the A'noai clan as well. So when he delivers a promo or a Superman punch, he's speaking and striking with the cumulative voice of a traditionally oppressed people.
#3 Beastly Competition

Ric Flair is a great example of why you're only as good as your competition. Flair travelled all over the world and faced men on all continents. If there was a major wrestling star of the 1970s or 1980s, there's a good chance footage exists of Ric Flair taking them on for a title belt.
Contrast this with Hogan, who rarely defended his title and only did so against a handful of competitors.
But Roman Reigns has defended his title, time and time again, at Pay Per Views, house shows, and Monday Night Raw. He's faced men like Brock Lesnar, one of the most dominant WWE champions in recent history, and is one of the few men to pin the Beast for a title.
Roman has taken down Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, and a veritable who's who of the current WWE main event roster. He certainly meets the definition of a 'fighting champion.'
#4 Comeback King

If there's one thing for certain you know about Roman Reigns, it's that he doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit.'
Few other men could walk away from the type of beating he took at the hands of The Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar at Wrestle Mania 34. And not only did Roman walk away from being literally beaten bloody, he came back for more, refusing to believe he could not defeat Brock Lesnar until he finally overcame the former UFC world heavyweight champion.
After being cut open by an assault by Lesnar, where elbow shot after elbow shot after elbow shot fell down like rain AND being put through the announce table, it still took no less than three F5 finishing manoeuvres to take Roman out of the fight.
But losing a battle doesn't mean you forfeit the entire war, and Roman managed to prove his superiority to Lesnar by finally defeating the Beast and taking the Universal title for his own.
#5 Childhood hero

At one time, it was thought that no one could surpass the childhood hero status of Hulk Hogan. Literally mobbed by fans everywhere he went, Hogan was one of the first pro wrestlers to be treated like a full-on celebrity by both fans and the mainstream media.
Then along came John Cena. The chiselled superman has always been more popular with the younger set than just about any other wrestler. They thrill to his clean-cut, never say die, never cheat to win attitude. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect became a catchphrase written out over many a t-shirt.
But Roman Reigns is closer to being a superhero than any other wrestler in history. He has the chiselled body and the handsome features of an A-list movie star. Like Cena, he never gives up and fights to his last breath for what he believes in. Even Roman's ring gear is meant to subtly remind you of a superhero, complete with a chest emblem.
Children look up to Roman Reigns, in a way they never did to Hulk Hogan.
#6 Merchandise Mover

For a long time, John Cena was the merchandise king in WWE. His t-shirts, armbands, posters, and rap albums sold for millions to fans around the world.
However, the crown has been taken up by a new king of merchandise. John Cena may not have been aware that he was passing the torch to the Big Dog Roman Reigns, but that's just what happened.
Much like John Cena, Roman Reigns appeals to younger fans. While the males 18 to 36 still make up the majority of the wrestling audience, this particular demographic is notorious for not spending money on merchandise. While they might post online about their favourite, or least favourite, wrestlers and attend live shows and watch at home on Pay Per View, they rarely actually buy the various products offered at arenas and online.
But younger fans are wont to spend a lot of money on wrestling merchandise, and their favourite merchandise features the Big Dog Roman Reigns.
#7 The Haters will never get to him

Many years ago, before the advent of the NWO and before the Monday Night Wrestling wars there was a segment where Hulk Hogan got into a verbal altercation with Sting.
The two ended up wrestling a match live on Nitro, and while the announcers stressed that the fans 'didn't know who to cheer for,' it was obvious to everyone watching that Sting was overwhelmingly in possession of the crowd's support. Fans even straight up booed Hulk Hogan when he seemed to be generating offence.
After the match, which ended in a no contest after a run in, Hogan tearfully remarked that he would always be Sting's friend. The Hulkster was visibly shaken by the fact that he was not cheered like the universal hero.
Roman Reigns doesn't let the haters get to him, no matter how vocal they are in the arenas or on social media. He has confidence in who he is, what he stands for, and his value to the company. If that's not championship material, we don't know what is.