Clearly, among the most disliked professional wrestling figures online, the truth of the matter is that Vince Russo has done a lot of things that are worthy of mockery. For instance, the fact that he had a reign as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion is mind-boggling, even if he gave up the title almost immediately.
No matter how much you dislike some of the things that Russo did during his career, however, it makes no sense to pretend like his career lacked any highlights. After all, aside from people like Eric Bischoff or Jim Cornette, pretty much everyone agrees he influenced many moments that the majority of wrestling fans look back on with fondness.
In order for something that Vince Russo did in the wrestling business to be considered for possible inclusion on this list, it first and foremost needs to have been positive for the industry. On top of that, it has to seem like many wrestling fans do not give him enough credit for his part in bringing it to life.
That said, it should be noted that clearly the performers involved in the storylines he crafted deserve a huge amount of credit for their success. However, downplaying Russo’s role to the bare minimum doesn’t seem fair to the man.
#7 He created a lot of beloved wrestling characters

One of the most important things a wrestling company does, in order to keep audiences engaged new and interesting characters should be introduced with great regularity. Someone who was responsible for creating a lot of character concepts during his lengthy career, Vince Russo came up with the ideas behind several characters people grew to love.
One of the most popular performers during the early stages of the Attitude Era, reportedly it was Vince Russo that pitched taking Sable out from underneath the shadow of her real-life husband Marc Mero. Another character that seems to epitomize Russo’s often over the top and controversial tastes, Val Venis would not have existed without his input. One of the most unlikely Attitude Era successes, Too Cool was entertaining enough to overcome their silly names.
Only a small sampling of the many characters that Russo had a major hand in creating, fans should give him credit for breathing life into so many wrestling gimmicks they enjoyed. On top of that, we should all respect the fact that he came up with concepts that kept several wrestlers gainfully employed for years on end.
#6 He was the writer during the Hart Foundation Vs. America Storyline

Said to have taken over as the head WWE writer in 1995, Vince Russo stayed in that position until he made the leap to the WCW in late 1999. Able to have a pretty stellar 4-year run in that position, during his tenure the WWE aired several storylines that it could be argued are among the best in company history.
A storyline that in a lot of ways was unlike anything that had come before it in the wrestling business, at one point the Hart Foundation were seen as despicable villains in America and heroes everywhere else. Perceived that way because they would come to the ring each week and decry America, crowds in that country could barely hold in their rage but the Harts were hailed as truth tellers elsewhere.
Perfectly in keeping with Vince Russo’s well-established belief that traditional wrestling heroes and villains were passé, in this case, he was definitely onto something.
#5 He gave Booker T his first World Championship run

Clearly an incredibly talented performer, these days Booker T is hailed as a celebrated legend of the business who totally deserves his 2013 induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. Among the most decorated champions of all-time, by the time Booker retired he had won a staggering 27 championship belts.
Of course, the fact that Booker ended up becoming a 5-time World Heavyweight Champion is the greatest accomplishment of his career. However, for years on end, it seemed like he was never destined to reign supreme like that, at least until Vince Russo stepped in one infamous night.
Most remembered for the shocking promo about working with Hulk Hogan that Russo cut in the middle of the ring, unfortunately, Bash at the Beach 2000’s main event is often overshadowed. The night in which Booker won his very first World Heavyweight Championship, it took Vince Russo’s decision to make that happen for a fantastic performer to finally get his due. In WCW’s main event mix from that point forward, until the company closed up shop, Booker had clearly been ready to run with the ball long before he was given the chance to.
#4 Under his tenure factions were all the rage

An incredibly long list, to say the least, the ways in which the WWE’s main television product is different today than it was during Russo’s tenure is far too lengthy to go into here. However, one of the most obvious has to be that during the Attitude Era there were oodles of wrestling factions entertaining fans but today that is all but absent on the main roster.
Probably the most popular faction that ran roughshod over the WWE roster during Russo’s time as the head WWE writer, D-Generation X is still brought back from time to time decades later. On top of that act, many fans also loved groups like The Ministry of Darkness, The Corporation, The Brood, Too Cool, The Nation of Domination, and The Hart Foundation.
Clearly a big supporter of pushing factions, Russo also created many interesting groups during his time working for other companies. For instance, during Russo’s WCW tenure he had a hand in introducing groups like the Powers That Be, The New Blood, The Millionaires Club, and Team Canada. On top of that while Russo worked for TNA the company introduced the Main Event Mafia, Planet Jarrett, Fortune, Immortal, and Christian’s Coalition.
#3 He was involved in The Rock becoming the Corporate Champion

The kind of things that WWE fans have been hoping would happen for years now, the viewer’s desire to see main WWE heroes like John Cena and Roman Reigns turn heel has been ignored by the company. However, during Vince Russo’s time as the head WWE writer, they took one of their most popular good guys and had his character turn to the dark side in the most shocking way possible.
At the time thought to be an anti-authority badass, going into the 1998 Survivor Series Pay-Per-View The Rock was starting to be fully embraced by fans. That is why it took virtually everyone by surprise when he won a tournament for the WWE Heavyweight Championship with the help of Vince and Shane McMahon.
Turned into the main star of McMahon’s villainous group The Corporation, this move launched The Rock’s career into the stratosphere. On top of that, going into the event the Mankind character thought of Vince McMahon as a father figure so when he was screwed over in favour of The Rock it broke his heart and began fan’s love for him.
#2 He pushed for newer stars

One of the most common current gripes among WWE fans, as much as viewers love classic stars it is seen as a sign of weakness that the company bases all of the biggest events around them. For instance, as exciting as it was to see Shawn Michaels make his in-ring return after several years, it seems like a bad sign that a major WWE event ended with four older wrestlers performing.
One of the most obvious signs of Vince Russo serving as a company’s head writer, whenever he is in charge there is a major push to base things around the next generation. A booking philosophy that can be a mixed bag, when the younger performers aren’t quite ready for the main events yet, in general, you have to give the man credit for looking towards the future.
Perhaps the most obvious example of Russo’s desire to put young and hungry wrestlers in the spotlight, during his time in WCW he even appeared as an onscreen leader of a group called the New Blood. A storyline that focused on young wrestlers battling legends they shared something in common with, it had loads of potential. For instance, it was interesting to see first-time feuds like Sting fighting Vampiro, Ric Flair battling with Shane Douglas, and Hulk Hogan trading barbs with Billy Kidman.
#1 He was the WWE’s head writer during the Attitude Era

Someone who was in positions of power within the wrestling business throughout his career, Vince Russo accomplished many things over the years. On top of that, if you ask the man himself, he’d point to things in his personal life as his greatest success, including his long marriage and the love he has for his three children.
Despite anything else Russo has done throughout his life, however, in terms of wrestling fans, his greatest claim to fame is his time as the WWE’s head writer. In that role from 1995 until 1999, when he took on that position of power WWE’s ratings were in the tank and prior to that the company featured characters like Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese and Mantaur.
Eventually opting to leave the WWE for WCW in 1999, by the time Russo left Vince McMahon’s company was in the midst of arguably its greatest period of success ever. Of course, he had a lot of talented performers to work with during his WWE tenure but so did the company’s previous head writers and they failed to get the same positive business results.