#1 Triple H returned to RAW for a "fight"

It's clear that Triple H's RAW appearance only happened because Drew McIntyre tested positive for COVID-19. He opened RAW as advertised and was confronted by his age-old rival Randy Orton.
After the provocation, the main event of RAW was set and Triple H accepted a challenge for a "fight". Triple H didn't wrestle for all of 2020, and this hardly counted as a match as well.
When there were only ten minutes left for RAW and the match hadn't started, it was evident what was happening. What we didn't expect, however, is how it would end up playing out.
Triple H vanished towards the end after his sledgehammer somehow caught fire. Alexa Bliss appeared and shot a ball of fire towards Randy Orton's eyes, blinding him to end RAW.
When will The Fiend return? How much longer will Alexa Bliss do his bidding? Is Bray Wyatt being positioned as a babyface? RAW will get interesting heading into the Royal Rumble 2021.