#4 Darren Young on what he thought of Titus O'Neil being suspended

Darren Young talked about what happened with Titus O’Neil when he was suspended for a long time after grabbing Vince McMahon’s arm. He said that it was just unfortunate as it was the wrong day for something like that to happen. He said that Vince McMahon is a ‘great person’ and that Titus was also a ‘great guy’.
Titus was suspended for a long time, but since then things have obviously been patched up between the Chairman and the Superstar, with Titus often being the face of WWE's charitable work.
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"It’s just unfortunate. You catch the boss on the wrong day. Stuff happens you know, but hey, life goes on. I wish it didn’t happen but when you’re in the moment and you do what you do, sometimes you have to, unfortunately, suffer the consequences. But you know, Titus is a great guy, and Vince McMahon is a great person. I have nothing bad to say about anyone, It’s just unfortunate that went down the way it went down. And there’s really nothing for me to say about it, it was shocking that it happened, but hey, life goes on."
Vince McMahon's outbursts of anger are a common sight in the WWE. Wrestlers have been suspended for trivial issues in the past and Titus too bore the brunt of the boss.