#6 The Burning Hammer

A move that could only come from Japan's 'Strong Style' adherents, the Burning Hammer is, in essence, a reverse death valley driver.
To perform the move, the executor picks up his opponent across his shoulders and then drives them down head and shoulders first onto the mat. As spectacular as it is dangerous, the move's creator--Kenta Kobashi--only used the move seven times in his career.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Why the move was banned: The Burning Hammer is quite dangerous even for seasoned veterans to perform, but it's not straight up banned anywhere but the WWE (see below.) Rather, the move is almost never performed because most wrestlers are not willing to take the risk.
Who has banned the move: In reality, only one major federation has banned the move--the WWE--and it's not because of the danger involved. Rather, John Cena has insisted that no one is allowed to use the move while he is on the roster because John believes it is too close to his Attitude Adjustment finisher.