#3 The Vertebreaker

One of the most insanely dangerous moves of all time, the Vertebreaker literally puts the life of the victim in the executor's hands.
A lifting backdrop into a reverse piledriver seems crazy because it is. While the man who created the move--Hurricane Helms--never ended anyone's career with it, the move is still considered too risky by today's standards.
Why the move was banned: The WWE forbade Helms from using the move when he joined their federation, in spite of his successful deployment in WCW. The belief was that the WWE stars were larger on average and they questioned Helms's ability to safely perform it. Also, it is technically a piledriver variant and therefore banned.
Where the move is banned: Only the WWE has officially banned its use, but much like the Burning Hammer you won't find many wrestlers willing to take the dangerous bump.