#5 Test

Part of the WWE roster during arguably the most successful era in company history, Andrew “Test” Martin had a lot of things going for him at the time. Blessed with the size and a look that Vince McMahon that clearly would appeal to Vince McMahon, for a while it seemed like Test could be a future Superstar.
Even tapped to be involved in a lengthy storyline with the McMahon family, which typically is a big deal, at one point his character was even engaged to Stephanie. Of course, all of that came to an end when Triple H married his onscreen fiancée and his career never reached those heights again.
Found by police after his neighbour noticed that it looked like his body hadn’t moved in hours, it is believed his life came to an end the day before. Eventually revealed to have passed away due to an accidental Oxycodone overdose, it was an inauspicious end for someone that had accomplished so much.